Monday 10 September 2012

Benefits of Acidic Oxidized Water 11.9 Ph

 Acidic water used topically (externally) is helpful for the following conditions:

  • Heals wounds and blisters faster
  • Dries up rashes
  • Shrinks hemorrhoids
  • Relieves acne, eczema and psoriasis
  • Softens dry, rough skin
  • Reduces mouth sores
  • Treats athletes foot
  • Stop chronic eye dryness
  • Eliminates dandruff

Additional daily uses include:

  • Facial rinse - tightens skin and reduces wrinkles
  • Hair rinse - adds shine and slows hair loss
  • Food spray - cleans and disinfects
  • Plant spray -  insecticides and growth formula
  • Pet spray - makes coats healthy and clean

Alkaline Water for Hair Loss

The effects of alkaline drinking water on hair loss are debated in scientific circles. Proponents claim that maintaining an elevated, or alkalinic, pH by drinking alkaline water can stop hair loss, inhibit disease processes and purify the skin.


Learn the pH of your tap water. Most city water sources are mildly acidic, which can cause pipe erosion, leeching of heavy metals and glass erosion over time. You can find water pH kits at most retail pool supply stores. Advocates of alkaline water purport that water should have a pH greater than 7.0.

Drink at least 3 L of water per day for men and 2.2 L daily for women. This equals out to almost 13 cups for a man and 9 cups for a woman. Consider your exercise and environment in your water replenishment; if you exercise often or live in a hot environment you may need more water to keep hydrated.

 Reasons To Use Ionized Alkaline Water Daily

  • Sustains Life - Without water nothing lives
  • Clears toxins from the body and takes them to the liver and kidneys for disposal
  • Lubricates the intestines, preventing constipation.
  • Unclogs arteries in the heart and the brain.
  • Gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, most particularly thinking.
  • Decreases premenstrual pains and hot flashes.
      Helps reverse addictive urges.
Reverse Osmosis Water

Reverse Osmosis utilizes a fine membrane to filter water - known as hyper filtration. This allows the removal of bacteria, salts, sugars, proteins, particles, dyes, and other damaging elements.

Reverse osmosis uses a membrane that is semi-permeable. This allows the water to pass through whilst the contaminants are removed. In the majority of reverse osmosis filters, this membrane is self-cleaning, allowing for the purest water to be provided.

Reverse osmosis units can use between 2-3 gallons of water to make 1 gallon up to as much as 10 gallons of water or more, to make 1 gallon of pure water.

As with distilled water, reverse osmosis water is far more alkaline than tap or bottled water.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water 5 Curable Diseases

The lack of water in peoples diets is the undeniable cause of a lot of common illnesses. People don’t realize that clean, healthy water, and the proper intake has enormous health benefits. If the water is alkaline, further enriching the body by bringing the acidic contents back towards balance, then the health benefits are even greater. You may be surprised to learn that the cause of and solution to many common discomforts is a lack of water intake. It may even be something you’ve been dealing with your entire life. Below are five of the most common illnesses that are curable by means of increased water intake.

alkaline water health benefits


Heartburn is one way the body signals that there is a shortage of water in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, generally the esophagus or stomach. It is important to keep this area of the body thoroughly hydrated, as the acidic content of your stomach is very strong and can be damaging to the rest of your body, particularly the throat.
The worst part is, many people do not realize that heartburn is signaling you to drink more water. Instead, they medicate it with pills and antacids. In time, this is detrimental to your health! The continued dehydration and medication will cause inflammation of the stomach, with potentials for ulcers, hernias, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the liver and pancreas. 


The health benefits of water in relation to arthritis are direct. Drink more water, specifically water which has been enhanced with an ionizer, and you will reduce or completely alleviate your arthritis! Joint pain and arthritis is a signal of dehydration in that specific joint. The use of pain killers will never cure this problem, and are only a temporary solution.


Angina, also known as heart pain or intense heartburn, is a sign of dehydration in the heart and lung axis. While angina is incredibly painful, medication should be used. Increased water intake will remedy this problem over time.

Migraines and headaches

Headaches and migraines start as a result of dehydration in the brain and behind the eyes. You will recognize immediate health benefits from drinking ionized water in large quantities with regards to these problems. Proper hydration will stop future occurrences.

Back Pain

This one is huge. Millions of Americans complain about back pain on a regular basis. The spinal chord has numerous discs in it, which cushion the gaps in between vertebrae. When these discs become dehydrated, back pain and discomfort are a result. If you do not have an muscular damage or spinal damage, then back pain is almost certainly being caused by this dehydration. The health benefits of increased hydration will be very noticeable.